Hi everyone!

Are you looking for the latest web theme gems? We have one of them which was developed in November 2023. That theme is called the Tiny News Feed.

It is the example of a small website that’s specifically geared up for messenger-style blogging. It based on the MiMiMiframework, a beginner-friendly platform destined to develop lightweight websites.

Want to know more?

More precisely, Tiny News Feed is not just a website theme, but a full-fledged web application. It has some typical features built into the base, like:

  • a home page that displays the latest publications,
  • a list of news in historical order,
  • a single page to read a news publication,
  • a searching page that displays the corresponding publications,
  • an Error404 page to serve visits to non-existent pages,
  • an XML sitemap intended for search robots,
  • a robots.txt document also intended for crawlers,
  • and administrative pages to add, delete, or edit your news.

Any type of these pages is optional. You can delete their template files or modules to remove the related features from your website.


With this theme, you will get a website with very light and fast loading pages.

Its templatized HTML markup, CSS files, JavaScript files, PHP source code, and related modules or sub-templates are quite simple and easy to understand for a developer of any skill level.

The theme author tried to make Tiny News Feed as elegant as possible, with just the right amount of functionality.

Everything is fine

This is the first time you have installed this web application. Let's generate a feed below from a few demo posts. This way you can see what the website looks like when it's filled with content. At the same time, you will be able to read below a little information about this web app's capabilities.

The first thing to note is that you can write a post using the Short Text field only. That post will appear in the News List without a Read More button. Just like this example you are reading now. And although the post still has its own page it is not indexed and will not be visible in the site map.

By the way, if you are an admin, you may touch/tap/click a post to see its administrative buttons

The second thing to note is that you can write a post using the Short Text and the Image fields only. And a long tap/click on this image will expand it to full screen.