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Leave this field blank if you want to automatically generate the page URL. In this case, it will consist of a random set of characters.
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This field contains the name of the publication in listings. It is also the string of the page Title tag.
Short Text:
This field contains short introductory text that appears in publication listings and at the top of the publication page. It is also the string of the page Meta Description tag.
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You can use valid HTML markup for this field. All HTML tag attributes will be removed for security reasons except attribute href="some-url" for tag <a> and attribute src="some-url" for tag <img>.
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The file length should not exceed 5 megabytes. File type: WEBP, JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF or BMP.
Image URL:
You should enter the image URL manually if your page needs to have an image with a specific file name. Otherwise, the image URL will be set to the name of the uploaded file. If you need an external image on your page, enter its absolute URL here and do not use the input field above to upload the image.
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