Searching For "source code"

How to get latest pages?

In this example, we will read the list of latest publications and put it into the variable $TEST. We will then iterate through this list to print its sublists.

Page URL. How to get it?

Do you need to get the URL of the current page? Okay, let us look at this action with a small example.

How to get names of installed viewers?

In this example, we will read the list of installed viewers and put it into the variable $TEST. We will then iterate through this list to print its elements.

How to get names of relevant viewers?

In this example, we will read the list of viewers with the sitemap functionality and put it into the variable $TEST. We will then iterate through this list to print its elements.

How to get sitemap URLs?

In this example, we will read the list of non-disabled URLs of news pages and put it into the variable $TEST. We will then iterate through this list to print its elements.