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<h5>It is a Full Text example</h5><p>Films are works of cinematographic art created with the help of cinema equipment. Cinema occupies a significant part of human culture.</p><h5>Movies Forever</h5><p>Cinema is a kind of art which is a moving picture created with film or digital technologies.</p><blockquote><p>A movie is an individual part of a movie which can be divided into episodes or series.</p></blockquote><h5>Do you know...</h5><p>Movies can be of different genres, such as comedies, dramas, thrillers, horror films, etc.</p><blockquote><p><small>They can be shot in different countries and in different languages, but they all have common features, such as plot, actors, scenery and music.</small></p></blockquote><h5>More info</h5><p>Movies can be shown in cinemas, on television or on the Internet. They are one of the most popular types of art and have a huge impact on culture and society as a whole.</p><p><small>* This page is a demo post designed to display page content for testers. You need <a href="news/demo-posts/with-title-and-short-text-and-full-text" rel="nofollow">delete this page</a> when you run the website in production mode.</small></p>
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