First, you need to download the installation file from the official website of MiMiMi Framework
. For example, please download version no lower than 5.2, in which this application appeared.
The downloaded file is a ZIP archive. Therefore, you need to unpack the contents of that archive to your hosting where you are going to install this web application. Let's say, for example, that your hosting is called http://localhost/
By the way, if you want to install the
Tiny News Feed
app not in the root of your hosting, but in its specific folder, you can do this without problems. Let's assume the folder will behttp://localhost/test/
Now you should open your browser to the appropriate page of your hosting to begin the installation process of Tiny News Feed

Then you should choose a CMS variant as shown in the picture below. This variant is

When it comes time to select system modules to install, it is enough to check only the Db
, Helper
and Url
options if you want to install the app in the most minimal configuration.

Next, you can specify access codes for the existing database on your server. The following picture shows an example for a MySQL database.

In the last screenshot example, we assumed that a user with login root
and password ******
already exists on your database server and a database named my_test_db
has been created.
After installing the Tiny News Feed
with the same settings as shown in the screenshots above, your hosting will contain the following set of directories.
http://localhost/ ├─> media │ └─> demo-posts │ └─> tiny-news-feed ├─> mimimi.core │ ├─> Has │ └─> Themes │ └─> default │ ├─> css │ ├─> images │ └─> js ├─> mimimi.modules │ ├─> Db │ ├─> Helper │ └─> Url └─> mimimi.cms ├─> Helper ├─> Router ├─> Themes │ └─> default │ ├─> css │ ├─> images │ ├─> js │ └─> snippets └─> Viewers ├─> News └─> Search
Now you should configure the website using three constants located in the http://localhost/mimimi.cms/Constants.php
The first constant named TINYFEED_ON_DEMO_NOW
is used to switch your site from demo mode to production mode.
For example, let's switch the website to production mode.
The second constant named TINYFEED_ADMIN_IPS
lists your IP addresses to further recognize you as the system administrator.
For example, let's allow admininstrative visits from the local computer with IP address or address ::1 written in IPv6 format or address mnemonized as localhost.
define( 'TINYFEED_ADMIN_IPS', [ '', '::1', 'localhost' ] );
The third constant named TINYFEED_HTMLPAGE_LANGUAGE
specifies which language is used to write the content of web pages. It has the format "language" or "language-REGION".
Valid language and region codes can be found in the Language Subtag Registry (see the "Type: language" entries for language codes and the "Type: region" entries for region codes).
For example, let's set the language to Spanish only.
Another example. Let's set the Ukrainian language for Russian-speaking regions.
That's all!
* This page is a demo post designed to display page content for testers. You need delete this page when you run the website in production mode.