Five Viewers demo

You need to download the MiMiMi installation package from the official website.

Go to Website

Then you need to extract this package to your computer.

Next, copy the extracted package files to your site's root folder.

Open your site's home page in a browser. You will see the initial page for installing the package.

Open Localhost

That page looks like this.

Go to the next page of the installer. There is a drop box with application variants. You need to select five.viewers there as shown in the following screenshot.

You may also enter a different directory name in the left input box if you want to change the default directory for your application.

Now go to the next page of the installer where you should select a default theme if the app you are installing has more than one theme.

This application requires three modules only. You must select them as shown in the screenshot. These modules are:

  • Helper to import several standard routines for site's template files. These routines are:
    • sendHeaderHTML()
    • sendHeaderXML()
    • sendHeaderTEXT()
    • sendHeaderJSON()
    • sendStatus200()
    • sendStatus404()
    • sendHeaderExpires()
    • stopIfHead()
    • printDomainUrl()
    • printSiteUrl()
    • printThemeUrl()
    • printPageUrl()
    • printValue()
  • Db to work with your database.
  • Url to parse the page address details.

You don't need to do anything here because this application has only theme named default. Just click Next » button.

Now you need to configure your database.

Please enter your actual parameters as shown in the screenshot.

The following page is optional. Leave all input boxes blank and just click Next » button to complete the installation.

Good luck!